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■112090 / inTopicNo.1)  Chennai
□投稿者/ DavidDralp -(2021/10/19(Tue) 15:20:09) [ID:XXb8DEEC]
    Chennai, on the Bay of Bengal in eastern India, is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. The city is home to Fort St. George, built in 1644 and now a museum showcasing the cityвs roots as a British military garrison and East India Company trading outpost, when it was called Madras. Religious sites include Kapaleeshwarar Temple, adorned with carved and painted gods, and St. Maryвs, a 17th-century Anglican church.

    <a href=https://www.sitelike.org/similar/izarc.org/> Chennai </a>

    Chennai, on the Bay of Bengal in eastern India, is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. The city is home to Fort St. George, built in 1644 and now a museum showcasing the cityвs roots as a British military garrison and East India Company trading outpost, when it was called Madras. Religious sites include Kapaleeshwarar Temple, adorned with carved and painted gods, and St. Maryвs, a 17th-century Anglican church.
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