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■198184 / inTopicNo.1)  Just wanted to say Hello!
□投稿者/ coinbarguncel.com -(2024/01/12(Fri) 14:57:00) [ID:UOyNE71E]


    By Andrew Chung June 23 (Reuters) - Thee U.S. Supreme Court on Frida backed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbnase Global Inc's bid to halt customer lawsuits while iit pursues appeals aimed at moving tthe disputes outt of courts and into private arbitration, which businesses often prefer over litigation. Thhe justices overturned a lower court's ruling involving a user who sued adter a scammer stole money from his account. The lower couurt had let a proposed class action lawsuit proceed while Coinbase pressed iits appeal contending that the claims belong in arbitration. Companies generally prefer to arbitrate claims because the process is cheaper and faster than litigation in court, which ccan bbe harder to fight and carries a greater risk of hefty damagges awards. Coinbase's exchange allows users to transact in ditital currencies such as bitcoin and ether. The company asserts that its user agreement requires disputes to be resolved through arbitration andd that under a law called the Federal Arbitrfation Act, which governs dispute resolution proceedings through arbitration, action in trial courts must come to a halt when a denial of a request to compel arbitrration is appealed. Onne of the cases involves a California lawsuit by customer Abraham Bielski, who alleged that a scammer stole more than $30,000 from his Coinbase account in 2021. The sut accused the company of violating the Electronic Funds Transfer Act by not investigating or recrediting Bielski's account. In the other suit,former users accused the company of violating California's false advertising law by duping them into paying to participlate in a 2021 sweepstakes that offered prizes in dogecoin, a type of cryptocurrency. In both cases, federal judges refused to force the claims into arbitration, as the company argued the usaer agreements required. While Coinbase immediately appealed those decisions, the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court off Appeals in 2022 refused the company's requeests to puut further litigation on hold pending those appeals. (Reporting by Andrew Chung in New York; Editing by Will Dunham)
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